Poster Presentation
TIME LIMIT - 3+2min
SIZE LIMIT-Should not be larger than 2ft wide and 3ft height.
TITLE – Use a catchy title that attract the judges as well audience and also covers entire content of presentation.
INTRODUCTION –It should be simple with a necessary background for the research conducted .
OBJECTIVES - It should clearly define the entire aim of the study conducted.
METHODOLOGY –Briefly explain the procedures carried out to conduct the research.
RESULT – Describe the relevant results in the study conducted. Use graphs, charts and figures for better and easy understanding of the study if necessary.
CONCLUSION – Draw appropriate conclusions based on the results obtained.
DISCUSSION – Explain each of the conclusions drawn from your study.
REFERENCES-Vancouver style.
Posters can be prepared from any material of their choice.
The delegates are required to deposit their posters at the time of registration or else they will be disqualified.
Pins ,boards,adhesive tapes and all other required things will be provided.